Main Character : Bess Brennan

                   Do you know something about my character in Mirror, Mirror on the Wall? First of all, my main character is named Bess Brennan, she happens to be blind, she can't see. She became blind after an accident at winter time. Bess was skiing down the hill, when a neighborhood bully blocked her way, and so, Bess bumped in a tree, and became blind. Bess goes in a blind school, or Pekins School for the Blind. There, she would be taught about everyday life, when you're blind. She writes diary entries to express her ideas. She has a twin sister named Elin and great friends like Eva and Amanda. But now that she's blind, Elin writes her diary entries, and Bess just says her thoughts aloud. These are some facts about my main character, Bess Brennan. Now, I hope you know more about her.

Secondary Characters :

                 There are a lot of secondary characters in my book. But here are the most important secondary characters. Elin is one of the most important secondary characters. Without her, Bess wouldn't have went to Perkins. Elin convinced Bess to, even though hard to be away, she knew that it was the best for Bess, since Bess is blind. Their mom also plays a very important part, but in the book, they did not mention her name, it was just left as "mom". She helps Bess since she's blind. Their mom makes sure that she and others don't misplace anything, or re-order any furniture. And last but not least, Uncle Ted. Uncle Ted acts like a dad since Bess and Elin's real dad passed away. He supports the family, and works hard for their (mostly Bess's) future. Here are some of the most secondary characters. I don't know what the story would be like without them.