            Do you know what is the setting of the book, "Mirror, Mirror on the Wall?" First of all, one setting is at 1930's at the depression. Times then were hard, just like any other depression. Everyone was poor, the government gave only a few money to them. Bess's family could still afford daily life, though hard, Bess's uncle had a good job (luckilly) and could support the family. But most at that time lost their jobs, and even their homes. One other setting was the Lindbergh Baby kidnapping. It happened at 1932. Most people were afraid, just because if the kidnappers could kidnap a house with a maid, security guards, etc.. what more a normal house, with not much money? But some believed that the kidnappers onlt kidnapped rich people. Just because they have the most money to hand over for ransom. Charles Lindbergh Jr. was soon found dead, a truck's delivery man found the Lindbergh baby dead and called the police. And lastly, the most important setting is the blind in America at Perkins School for the Blind, where the story is based on. Bess really describes how people live in that school, through diary entries that is. She talks while Elin listens since Bess is blind. Bess talks about teachers teaching them how to find their way, which placements are the foods on their plates, and a whole lot more! Now, I hope that you know more about the setting in the book, "Mirror, Mirror on the Wall."