

                   Mirror, Mirror on the Wall is a great book that I'd recommend to anyone. The story is based on historical fiction. It really gives facts about the blind in America in 1930's. It isn't boring, it's history in a fun way to interpret. I really think that this book could teach hundreds and thousands of readers, besides me, the way people lived back then. There are parts that are interesting and parts where you could base it in real life and picture it in your head. Even if Bess is a fictional character, she's a good character to make the story based on. Bess really relates to what the story is trying to say, which is that there is still hope and to never give up in the struggles in life (for Bess, being blind for example). I don't see why wouldn't a person recommend this book, it gives an idea of the blind in America in 1930's and some other facts that the reader never knew about. But most importantly, the story itself is interesting. Mirror, Mirror on the Wall is definetely a book that I'd recommend to anyone.