

                 There are two main parts in this book that is about history. Let’s start off with the Lindbergh baby kidnapping. This happened in 1932.  What happened was that someone kidnapped the baby, when the maid left to get something, but when the maid came back, the baby was gone. Then, on May 12, 1932, 72 days after the kidnapping, the decomposed body of a baby was found in the woods near the Lindbergh house. The child had been dead, probably due to a fractured skull, since the night of the kidnapping. Two days later Charles Lindbergh identified his son's body by examining its teeth. The kidnapping investigation was now a murder investigation. The second is at Perkins School for the Blind. Bess focuses on the blind in America at that time. Perkins supports the blind, and also teaches the blind how to do everyday life. Perkins makes the students do what normal people could do. Swimming, acting, and much more! This would make the blind happy that they are just as good as the people who could see. I found this out from reading the book. Mirror, Mirror on the Wall really taught me a lot about things that happened in history.

credits :

Lindbergh baby kidnapping: http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/amex/lindbergh/sfeature/crime.html
Perkins School for the Blind:

reading Mirror, Mirror on the Wall